Competition climber and boulderer
Carla Lewis began climbing at the age of 11 and has been living it breathing the sport ever since. She has now been competing in indoor climbing for 7 years and is an active member of her local climbing community.
Carla Lewis began climbing at the age of 11 and has been living it breathing the sport ever since. She has now been competing in indoor climbing for 7 years and is an active member of her local climbing community.
A range of books for beginners or experienced climbers
A range of books for beginners or experienced climbers
A range of books for beginners or experienced climbers
Intensive care for your skin, great for climbers, cyclists, kayakers and anyone regularly exposed to sun, wind, ice, water
Chalk up and try this rock climbing mugs for your next cup of coffee
Alpinist magazine is an archival-quality publication dedicated to the world of adventure climbing.
Climbing magazine is the #1 authority on bouldering and climbing.
Have fun challenging your balance and core strength with a slackline