
DockATot Deluxe Dock

The All in One Baby Lounger, Sleep Positioner, Portable Crib and Bassinet - Perfect for Co Sleeping
DockATot Deluxe Dock - The All in One Baby Lounger, Sleep Positioner, Portable Crib and Bassinet - Perfect for Co Sleeping

The Dockatot is a lifesaver for new parents! It is multifunctional and multitasking for babies 0-8 months old (they also have the Grand size for 8-36 months as well). The Dockatot Deluxe offers a safe and comfy spot for your little one to rest, lounge or play in! They are perfect for travel since they are lightweight and portable, plus they feature a washable cover that is featured in many different prints and styles. They feature air permeability so it is breathable, washable, and hypoallergenic.

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