Chat Pack - Fun Questions to Spark Conversations

Never before has it been so much fun to start a conversation and learn more about those around you! Chat Pack contains 156 cards, each one featuring a creative question that will, in a matter of seconds, get people interacting and having a great time together. Simply pull out any card from the plastic box and let the conversing begin.
Great for travelling, road trips, family gatherings, dinner parties, classrooms and more.
- "If you could have any object or place to yourself for one day, what would you choose?"
- "You've been given the chance to travel into the future to see how the world will change over the next 50 years. What in particular are you most interested in?
- "If you could enter a race horse in the Kentucky Derby, what would you name him?"
- "If you could be the apprentice to someone, living or dead, who would it be?"